My Projects
I have included all my completed projects in this Dashboard as my temporary portfolio. This is to practice my layouting of a responsive webpage (for mobile) using flex and grid. You may access the source code below.
To Do List
This is a to do list app that uses local storage for storing of tasks and webpack for compilation of modules.
Automation Python Script
This project targets the automation of a particular process which takes about 2 hours and reduce this time into 5-10 minutes. This project mainly used pandas for the processing and tkinter for the UI.
Automated Feedback App
This app was built using Microsoft Power Platforms to automate a certain process. It automatically sends email to selected engagements. For more info, kindly access the below source code.
Sign Up Form
This is a sign up form with proper validations and error messages.
Tic Tac Toe
This is a small project which aims to make the popular game Tic-Tac-Toe.
This is a calculator which can perform basic operations i.e. add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
This is a small project which aims to make an electronic version of the physical game Etch-A-Sketch.
Rock Paper Scissors
This is a simple rock paper scissors game which contains running scores and results.
PowerBI Projects
This repo contains the powerbi projects I made.
VBA Projects
This repo contains the Visual Basic for Application (VBA) projects I made.
Future Updates
- Add search bar for easy searching of a project
- Add filter button based on technologies used
- Create About Me Page
- Create Experience Page
To Do List
- Create a registration page and a database to store the tasks so it will be available on every device
- Code refactoring
Sign Up Form
- Add log in with google/facebook api feature
- Combine the concept of this project with To Do List
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Dolores voluptatum ipsa cupiditate unde minima odio sunt fugit distinctio labore sit accusantium voluptas voluptate aliquid rem adipisci harum, quasi modi eum quae veritatis amet iusto ratione ea fugiat.
Trending #3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Dolores voluptatum ipsa cupiditate unde minima odio sunt fugit distinctio labore sit accusantium voluptas voluptate aliquid rem adipisci harum, quasi modi eum quae veritatis amet iusto ratione ea fugiat.